Tuesday, May 21, 2013

This week we were talking about roles and behavioral tendencies and there is a quote today in class that I loved it was, "Working together to create something beautiful." I love this because it is so true that when we get married our roles can come together to make something beautiful. We can work together by teaching each other different talents and also supporting each other in our roles. I can't wait to be married and to share my talents and create something new with my future husband when the time comes.


  1. I agree 100% that when we work together it is beautiful because we are doing the Lords will. There is a link below with a talk from Sister Dew that I find beneficial and helps us to understand how beautifully men and women compliment each other.Often there is this misunderstanding of equality Sister Dew states "Sisters, we as woman are not diminished by priesthood power we are magnified by it". And within marriage I think each partner strengths are magnified by the other! What do you think?

    Maddison Dillon

  2. Thanks for the link I will make sure to look it up! I definitely agree that we strengthen and magnify each other that is what we are to do! We are to complete one another through marriage.
